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18years to few minutes: Wish the Judgment be the Justice

In that very safe Railway’s Colony, my father had that privileged pink colored Pass.  He was someone, without whom it was almost impossible to manage the sanitary condition of that big colony of Diesel Locomotive Works at Varanasi, accommodating over 4000 employees and their families. I was about 8years old then. Curfew was lifted during 4-6 PM, that time I was assigned the task to go out and buy vegetables and milk. I don’t remember for what duration we spent our days and nights in that period, but I do know that it left deep signatures on my soul; especially, what I saw at that Nukkad, after those riots and curfew.

Kalyan Singh was Chief Minister when Babri Masjid was demolished, and communal clashes resulted in loss of thousands of human life. Later, Union Government dissolved Uttar Pradesh
assembly, and enacted President’s Rule. Next mid-term election was scheduled in mid 1993, and party’s started their campaign. Once I was returning from market, and I saw some people gathered at a corner, watching some VHS video on TV. Out of curiosity, I went there.

Volume was too low, all the people had stressed forehead, and were in deep concentration of a peculiar type. Screen was showing some man slaughtering men with his sword, it was gory everywhere. I was shocked, I cannot describe what exactly I was feeling that time. I’ve never seen such thing, and no movie that I’d watched by that time had such scenes. One of those guys noted an aghast me, and shouted me to get out of the crowd. I couldn’t talk to my parents about what I saw on TV; couldn’t sleep for the next few nights. I don’t know whether the killer was a Hindu or Muslim, couldn’t recognize the religion of those who were massacred. Only thing that I could recognize was that Human beings were brutally murdered by Human beings only.
                Now, after almost 18 years, I’m seeing that fear again in the eyes of almost every person I’m meeting. Everyone is scared, what would happen once the judgment is delivered. The only thing I wish is that we be able to receive the Judgment as Justice, whatever it may be. We have come a long from that very incident, a lot has changed; this is the time when we can prove we have moved on, India has moved. This is the time; we should prove to World that we are One.
                In few minutes, eighteen years of agony may get its deserved end; I wish the Judgment be the Justice to everyone who has suffered, to every community and every religion. 

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  1. It is a story of a peaceful colony. but that period i was living in a very very sensitive area pandey Haveli which is very close to MadanPura, the most sensitive area of varanasi.

    that day was 6th december, i remember that day particularly because we were busy for the birthday celebration preparations of my brother Abhishek on 7th december.
    In the evening we heard that Babri masjid was demolished.
    i was not having any idea of how and what will be its effects afterwards.
    what punit saw on TV, i was the eye witness of 2-3 similar cases from my roof top.
    One i remember , one boy 15-16 yrs old hardly was forcefully drowned in the ganges by the furious mob.

    every night blackout was declared by the govt.
    Shoot at sight order was declared in 2-3 thana areas which includes ours also(dashashwamedh thana)

    young persons were directed to guard the entry points with weapons like sword etc. which i saw with my own eyes.
    that horrible slogans:
    "Ram lala wahin aayenge mandir wahin baneyenge" etc. etc.

    we were instructed to boil the water on the roof top to protect the area in case of some untroward incident.

    i remember one boat(owned by one of local temple community) was always ready at nearest ghat to our house to take away ladies and children at any time towards Ramnagar fort in case of emergency.

    we used to bring vegetables and milk from ghats of ganges where police officials allowed some temporary market during curfews but only one community was allowed to go to the ghats following the local pressure.

    i can't describe how we managed those days. i was very young to remember all the incidents. but whatever i remember is very very horrible and i pray to RAM LALA that this time Peace and Peace spread evrywhere and there must be no place of hatred in our hearts.

  2. @Abhijeet Bhai, you saw more than me...even your comment is bigger thn my complete story... :)


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