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Indiblogger Vodafone Speedfest: A Phlog

Short of time preparing for the Zanskar trip, I thought to at least share the Speedfest pictures. So here is the Photo-story of the event...

Party Meet was at Grand Hyatt, thrown organised by Vodafone with the Indiblogger for the Bloggers with an opportunity to meet Lewis Hamilton and win a chance to have a ride with him...

"Thirty seconds to fame: ran longer than in my previous meet, and I had an opportunity to know many a faces... Alas, I didn't get chance to speak out :/

Then came the famous Indiblogger Hud-hud moment and we hugged as many bloggers as we could (shy I wanted to kiss a few of fair sex bloggers ;)

 Finally, got moments to touch and click the shots of the "Chief Guest of the Day", the "Mercedes McLaren F1", here are a few shots to reveal her beauty....sure to some extent only :)

Super busy Lewis Hamilton arrived little late and was truly 'center of attraction', though a few guys registered with Indibloggers just a few days before to meet him, there were a few who didn't actually know nothing about him or F1 and came for the dinner ;)

After meet atHyatt, most of us headed to BKC to witness the Speedfest. thanks to Vodafone, we had VIP (or pprobably semi-VIP passes) entitling us to have chairs - which were not used by any especially when Hamilton started it all. On opposite side of road, my unluck 'non-blogger' friend had to watch the event 'somehow'... :/ Thank you Vodafone :)

 Event started with colorful Carnival and hosted bu Manish and Mandira.

Pretty ladies :D

Ajab-gajab Mandira...

Here came the Star....

Everybody had his own moment to capture... (I did it for you guys :D)

 My first accidental Bokeh :D

 The man and his machine...

 and, so it ended...

Again, a warm thanks to Vodafone and Indiblogger for such a super event hosting :) Thanks for the tee and the cute USB-drive....

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  1. You guys are having so much fun, I want to shift base to Mumbai. thanks for sharing so many pictures, but I still like your FB DP best. Kya ishtyle hai :D

  2. Yes, we really had great fun :D You must tell Vinni @RoyalEnfielder to organize such events at Kolkata too...and *shy* thanks for liking the ishtyle :D

  3. This
    is really interesting….Words to be read and digested…..It is so amazing and
    good…lovely blog….


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