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Photo Diary: A Short Visit to Banaras

(This post was written a year back and forgotten. Before I leave for Banaras this Diwali, I thought to share the pictures)

For us festivals, especially Holi and Diwali, are occasions to celebrate our friendship and the bond with the eternal city of Banaras.
Sometimes I think I should write on Banaras every now and then. Then, there comes another nonsense (!) thought that is it because it would be easier for me to do so? Well, a plain answer to the question is, be it a small or large city - its hell difficult to write regularly on it even if you are a native or in love/hate relationship with it. And, if it’s the case of the one of the oldest living city on the planet, the situation becomes rather difficult.
So, not pondering about the above thoughts (which I would like to discuss some other time under Random Thoughts), it would be easier to write the best part of my recent last year's short visit to Varanasi or Banaras.

Banaras Ghats बनारस के à¤˜ाट 
Visit started on a note that the trip can be shortened anytime on official notice. Second to bitter the trip was an illogical discussion with a big-head ‘I am Neo Intellectual’ kind of person actually ruined the excitement of landing into my own city – my mother city! ‘We won’t change, and this has already been denounced by an English Viceroy or Governor’, - was the only justification of dishonoring the city which actually help that guy live the life out of proportions. Well, again that I would discuss some other time…
Just about the Best part of the trip - the time I spent with my Chaddhi-buddies. These guys are the few of the best persons I have ever met in my entire life! They are in fact Life for me… We are a group of 5 people, who grew up and studied together in Varanasi. As the studies got intense through the board and competitive exams, so did our bond of friendship. For us festivals, especially Holi and Diwali, are occasions to celebrate our friendship and the bond with the eternal city of Banaras.
I had a very short and abruptly ended trip to hometown this last Diwali. And, luckily we were able to do all the rituals, like visiting Ghats in morning, having street food in gullies, visit Kal Bhairon and spend some quality time talking out our lives….
I thought to do a picasa/flickr-blog for showcasing pictures, but it demanded some dedicated time to understand it and the easiest way was posting on this blog only, the old-fashion way. So, here I’m with these pictures we shot this last Diwali….
At Kaal Bhairon Temple
My friend Ashwini At Kaal Bhairon Temple
गरमा गर्म पूरियां 
और गजब की मसालेदार सब्जी 
सुबह के बनारसी नास्ते की तैयारी
सुबह के बनारसी नास्ते की तैयारी --- ब्रेड-मक्खन 
अनोखा बार-बर 
Dashaswamedh Ghat
Prayag Ghat प्रयाग घाट 
Dom Raja's Home डोम राजा का घर 
Gwalior Ghat ग्वालियर à¤˜ाट 
प्रयाग घाट 
Our boatman - he was pissed off with SRK for hugging Katrina
Kiddos having fun at Ghats
and that kid was so much in to deep thoughts...
A Swedish team doing Kolkata to Varanasi...
Karpatri ji's Ashram
Dom Raja's Shiva Temple
A 'Modern'  Ashram
My Tri-Mitra...
 The tilted Shiva Temple
An old Masjid near Manikarnika Ghat
Thinking what to capture next time... ;)
You may visit the Picasa Albums here...would be sharing this Diwali pictures soon.. :)

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  1. That was a wonderful virtual tour of Varanasi with some lovely images!

  2. Thank you so much @twitter-17988935:disqus Sir! Would be sharing more pics from Banaras soon....:)


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