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The Month that was July 2013: Part 1 PADE

  • 37 posts
  • 31 PADE Entries
  • ~7200 words Blogged
  • ~ 4200 PADE words
  • 20000 words CampNaNoWriMo novella

This month July 2013 would be remembered forever :) So much happened in last one month that I will have to publish it in a 2 posts series – PADE and CampNaNoWriMo.

Part1: PADE
Honoured to be Ace of PADE 2013
(*shy* and *blush*)
When I got to know about PADE by Sfurti and Ritu KT, only a few have confirmed to participate. And as started, मंजिलें जुडती गयीं -  à¤•ाफ़िला बनता गया . 
Honestly, I was envy of the duo-girls that why I couldn’t come up with such an idea and at same time sceptically curious about its success. But, then I thought to let’s give my blog a marathon month and see what it may return. Not just a bumper improvement in viewer counts and different ranks (except IndiRank), this month brought me many a Blogger’ mates. This people count is what I love earning :)

The Big and Happy PADE Family
 As I am not as verse with words as Sfurti is, I am copying her

Punit Dubey "Mr. Photographer"
Shrikant "Mr.Out of the box"
Poonam "Ms Creativity"
Priyam "Yum posts"
Sini "The thinker"
Geetashree "The Scholar"
Pravin "Simple yet impactful"
Arghyadeep "Powerful words"
Anunoy "Magical words and powerful imagery"
Rio "Mr Philosopher"
Pankti "Ease and fun"
Meera aka a rat "Great nibbles"
Swaroop "Straightforward"
Prasanna "The Champ"
Prathamesh "Artistic"
Aliasgar "Talented"
Sammya "Colorful"
Ranjith "Mr. Creative"

I believe she has talked about each and every participant and if she has missed it, it’s her fault ;)

Two additions to the list:
Sfurti “Not Just a Mom
RituKT “Ms Experimenter

Sfurti, who blogs nonstop at Juztamom, is a lovely mother and knows to express her feelings with words. I remember Snapshooter: Level 4 photographer on Kenrockwell’s scale. She love photography to preserve the memories and writes to express her heart out!
My favourite PADE post from Sfurti’s blog is that of PADEDay 28 Special
A special photograph of a normal day
Ritu KT, blogger at ToRaveAbout, is young Indian lady in South Korea who wants to be an artist. She loves photography and never hesitates to share the trial pics she had taken while experimenting with her love D7000. (My circle of amateur photographers hate when people talk about technics but never have one or two pic to show that they may have taken trying that).
My favourite PADE post from Ritu’s blog is that of PADE Day 23 Window

Moon on a lazy Sunday morning
A big cheer to all the lovely participants, we seriously had a Big Fat Party through the month guys! I am sure we will be doing it again and with more participants more fun!

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  1. Awww Punit thanks so much for such a wonderful post!! How nicely you have shared the journey with us Mr. ACE of the PADE!!

    Love my title also :)

  2. Pleasure is mine :)
    Really honoured to blog with you all :D

  3. Thanks a lot but you got my name wrong. :(

  4. Sorry Arghya :( Corrected it :)

  5. A good post! PADE will be missed :)

  6. Really appreciate everyone's efforts... Good luck...

  7. Shrikant Pednekar2 August 2013 at 23:35

    Hey! That was a wonderful conclusion to the PADE month. Really loved the collage of bloggers.
    And like you said, I am really jealous of these 2 ladies who organised this.

    Congratulations for the Ace of Pade!!!

  8. Jealous? Wow. that is a strong word. i'm honored just by knowing someone appreciated our efforts enough to turn green ;)

  9. Incredible! I'll post this on my PADE page soon. Thanks for your lovely feedback/experience post.
    Waiting for the CampNaNoWriMo Part!

  10. And love my title! Ms. Experimenter :) Thank you Mr. Ace of 'Picture A Day Experiment' ;)

  11. Thanks @Tarang :) Yeah, PADE will be missed, Wish we will have a Bigger PADE next year....

  12. Thanks @Ajeeth boaz :) Would love to see you in next PADE...

  13. :) It was real fun together @Ritu KT, will help you guys convert PADE into an Annual Event...

  14. Thanks @Shrikant Pednekar :)
    @Ritu KT it is an Idea well tried and executed :D

  15. Thanks Punit! I look forward to working with you again.
    Just displayed the PADE family pic on my "Photo A Day" Page. Love it!


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